FPS In Airsoft: A Comprehensive Guide

Airsoft gun firing a BB

FPS, or Feet Per Second, is a term you will hear a lot in Airsoft and by understanding FPS, you’ll be better equipped to select the right airsoft gun, optimize its performance, and adhere to game regulations.

FPS in airsoft stands for Feet Per Second, which refers to the velocity at which a BB leaves the barrel of an airsoft gun. It is a measure of the gun’s power and can significantly impact gameplay, player safety, and gun performance. Understanding FPS is essential for selecting the right airsoft gun, optimizing its performance, and adhering to game regulations.

In this article, I will delve into the world of FPS in airsoft, a key factor that significantly influences the performance of airsoft guns and the overall gaming experience.

Why Is FPS Important In Airsoft?

FPS is a fundamental parameter for airsoft guns, as it determines the speed at which the BB travels after being fired. It reflects the power of the gun and has a direct impact on various aspects of gameplay, such as range, accuracy, and safety.

In addition, FPS plays a vital role in adhering to field regulations, which often impose limits on the maximum allowed FPS to ensure a level playing field and maintain player safety.

Indication of Power:

Higher FPS values indicate more powerful guns. These guns can propel BBs at a faster speed, resulting in a longer effective range and the potential for more accurate shots. However, it’s important to note that a higher FPS doesn’t always equate to better overall performance, as factors such as accuracy, range, and energy output should also be considered.

Impact on Gameplay:

FPS can significantly influence airsoft gameplay. Guns with higher FPS values often have a longer effective range, allowing players to engage targets from a greater distance. Additionally, higher FPS can lead to better accuracy, as the BBs maintain a flatter trajectory and are less susceptible to external factors such as wind. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between FPS and accuracy to ensure optimal performance during games.

Adhering to Regulations:

Field regulations often impose limits on the maximum allowed FPS to maintain player safety and ensure fair gameplay. Players must ensure their airsoft guns adhere to these limits to avoid penalties or disqualification. Understanding FPS and how it can be adjusted is vital for any airsoft player to comply with local regulations and enjoy a safe and fair gaming experience.

Measuring FPS In Airsoft: Chronographs and Joules

Accurately measuring FPS is crucial for airsoft players, as it provides valuable information about a gun’s power and performance. Two key measurements are utilized in determining a gun’s output: FPS (Feet Per Second) and energy output in Joules. This section will cover the methods and devices used to measure these values and explain their relevance in airsoft.


Chronographs are essential tools for airsoft players, as they measure the velocity of BBs as they leave the barrel of a gun. These devices use sensors to detect the BB’s speed, converting this data into a readable FPS value. Typically, chronographs are designed as standalone devices or attachments that connect to the muzzle of the gun.

To measure FPS using a chronograph, players must first ensure their gun is unloaded and follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the chronograph and set the BB weight in the device’s settings.
  2. Position the chronograph’s sensors so that they are perpendicular to the trajectory of the BB.
  3. Aim the airsoft gun at the center of the chronograph, maintaining a short distance between the muzzle and the device to prevent interference from external factors.
  4. Fire several BBs through the chronograph to obtain an average FPS value, as individual shots can vary.


While FPS provides an essential measure of an airsoft gun’s performance, it does not account for the mass of the BBs being used. This is where Joules come into play, as they measure the energy output of a gun by taking into account both the velocity (FPS) and the mass of the BBs. The energy output in Joules is calculated using the following formula:

Energy (Joules) = 0.5 × Mass (kg) × Velocity² (m/s²)

To convert FPS to meters per second (m/s), divide the FPS value by 3.281. Similarly, to convert BB weight from grams (g) to kilograms (kg), divide the weight by 1000.

Here’s an example of calculating the energy output of an airsoft gun with a velocity of 400 FPS using 0.25g BBs:

  1. Convert FPS to m/s: 400 FPS ÷ 3.281 = 121.9 m/s
  2. Convert BB weight to kg: 0.25g ÷ 1000 = 0.00025 kg
  3. Calculate energy output: 0.5 × 0.00025 kg × (121.9 m/s)² ≈ 1.85 Joules

Understanding both FPS and Joules is crucial for airsoft players, as it helps them choose the right gun and BBs for their desired performance while ensuring compliance with field regulations.

BB Weight0.20g0.25g0.28g0.30g0.36g
300 fps0.81 J1.01 J1.14 J1.22 J1.46 J
350 fps1.07 J1.34 J1.51 J1.61 J1.93 J
400 fps1.48J1.85J2.09J2.23J2.67J
450 fps1.86J2.32J2.61J2.79J3.35J
Energy Output (Joules) of Airsoft Guns Based on FPS and BB Weight

Factors Affecting FPS: Gun Types, BBs, and Upgrades

FPS in airsoft can be influenced by several factors, including the type of gun, the weight of the BBs, and any upgrades made to the gun.

Gun Types:

  • Spring-powered guns: Typically have lower FPS, ranging from 200-350 FPS. They are generally more affordable and are ideal for beginners.
  • Gas-powered guns: These guns use gas (such as CO2, Green Gas, or Propane) to propel the BBs and offer a wide range of FPS values, from 300-500+ FPS.
  • Electric guns (AEGs): AEGs are battery-powered and popular among airsoft players. Their FPS can range from 250-450+ FPS, with many offering adjustable FPS settings.

BB Weight:

Choosing the correct weight of the BB used in an airsoft gun can impact its FPS. Heavier BBs tend to have lower FPS values but can offer greater stability and accuracy in flight. Lighter BBs may achieve higher FPS but are more susceptible to wind and other external factors. It’s essential to find the right balance between FPS and BB weight for optimal performance.


Many airsoft players choose to upgrade their guns to increase FPS or improve accuracy and range. Upgrades can include stronger springs, upgraded motors, and tight-bore barrels. While these modifications can enhance performance, it’s crucial to ensure that they comply with local game regulations and do not compromise safety.

FPS and Gameplay: Range, Accuracy, and Safety

FPS is a critical factor in airsoft gameplay, as it can impact a gun’s range, accuracy, and safety for players.


Higher FPS guns generally have a longer effective range, as their BBs travel faster and maintain a flatter trajectory. However, it’s important to remember that factors such as BB weight and gun upgrades can also impact range.


While higher FPS may help with range, it doesn’t necessarily equate to better accuracy. Factors such as hop-up, barrel quality, and BB weight can significantly influence accuracy. It’s essential to find a balance between FPS and accuracy for optimal performance.


Higher FPS guns can pose a greater risk of injury if proper safety precautions are not followed. Most airsoft fields enforce FPS limits to ensure player safety, and it’s crucial to wear appropriate eye and face protection during gameplay.

Regulations and Limits: Ensuring a Safe and Fair Game

Airsoft fields and events typically enforce FPS limits to ensure player safety and fair gameplay. Regulations vary based on location, game type, and the type of gun being used.

Game TypeSpringAEGGasSniper
Indoor CQB350350350N/A
Typical FPS Limits for Different Game Types and Gun Types

It’s crucial to comply with local regulations and be aware of any FPS limits in place. Players should chronograph their guns before games to ensure they meet field requirements and avoid potential penalties or disqualification.


FPS is a vital aspect of airsoft, impacting gun performance, gameplay, and player safety. Understanding the factors that influence FPS, the importance of balancing velocity with accuracy, and adhering to local regulations will ensure a safe and enjoyable airsoft experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, being aware of FPS in airsoft is essential for selecting the right gun and optimizing your performance on the field.

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